Industrial Robots vs. Service Robots - Which is More Appropriate for Industrial Use?

September 01, 2021

Industrial Robots vs. Service Robots - Which is More Appropriate for Industrial Use?

When we think about robots in industries, we typically imagine big, bulky mechanical arms with efficiency and productivity at their core. However, there are different types of robots in the market, and the question arises - which is more appropriate for industrial use: industrial robots or service robots?

Industrial Robots

Industrial robots, also known as manufacturing robots, are precisely engineered machines designed to automate the manufacturing process. They are meant to perform repetitive tasks with precision, speed, and accuracy, reducing the reliance on human labor while improving productivity, efficiency, and safety on the factory floor.

The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimates that there are around 2.7 million industrial robots in operation globally. According to the same report, the automotive industry is the biggest user of industrial robots, accounting for about 30% of total installations.

Industrial robots are designed for specific applications, such as welding, material handling, painting, assembly, and pick-and-place operations. They are built to work in harsh environments, and their design takes into account factors like precision, repeatability, and load-bearing capacity.

Service Robots

Service robots, on the other hand, are designed to interact with humans and perform tasks that require communication, assistance, or even entertainment. They can be found in settings like hospitality, healthcare, retail, warehouses, and logistics, where they serve as companions, cleaners, guides, and responders.

Unlike industrial robots, service robots are built to be flexible and adaptable, as they need to operate in dynamic, unpredictable environments. They are equipped with sensors, cameras, and other devices to navigate and interact with their surroundings, and they can also learn and adapt to new situations.

The service robot market is expected to grow exponentially, reaching $23.9 billion in 2022, according to the International Data Corporation.

So which one is more appropriate for industrial use?

The answer to this question is not straightforward since it depends on the specific needs of the industry and the applications. Industrial robots are still the best choice for tasks like welding or assembly where precision and repeatability are vital. They can work in harsh environments, and they are specially designed to handle heavy loads safely.

On the other hand, service robots can be helpful in tasks such as logistics, transportation, and material handling, by automating repetitive tasks and freeing humans from mundane and backbreaking labor. Service robots can also operate collaboratively with humans, which is an important advantage in settings like healthcare or retail.

In short, the decision between industrial robots and service robots depends on the specific needs and goals of the industry in question. Both types of robots have their advantages and serve different purposes.


Industrial robots and service robots are both valuable tools for industries to improve their operations, efficiency, and productivity. While industrial robots still dominate the manufacturing floor, service robots are growing in popularity in different industries. The decision to use an industrial or service robot relies entirely on the specific needs of the industry and the applications.


  • International Federation of Robotics. World Robotics 2020 Industrial Robots. October 2020.
  • International Data Corporation. Worldwide Robotics and Drones Spending Guide. May 2018.
  • Robotics Business Review. Service robots meet record demand in 2020. January 2021.

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